Protecting Your Data
VHA is committed to providing good quality services that are sensitive to and respond to residents' needs and requirements. As such, we look to collect information that enables us to deliver that objective by understanding the nature of residents, your expectations and aspirations and making sure that legal and contractual obligations are met.
We are very aware that when you provide us with information about yourself we need to ensure that it is kept secure and not used for inappropriate or unwanted reasons. We recognise that you provide this information on trust and we look consistently to repay that trust. You can view a copy of our Privacy Notice by following the link at the bottom of this page.
Like all organisations with a public interest, we are bound by the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). These both set out clear expectations of what is expected of organisation in managing data. You can find out more about these requirements by visiting the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website.
Other useful references/documents if you need to know more are:
How To Access Information from a Public Body (ICO)