Resident Engagement

At Vectis we are clear that there is very real value in promoting regular and wide ranging engagement with our residents. Through this we are able properly to understand the needs and aspirations of the people who are our customers and to ensure that the services we are providing are current, effective and well delivered.

We promote engagement in very flexible ways, recognising that not all of our residents wish to get involved in an active and formal way. We are clear that we need to offer tailored approaches to suit the particular needs and wishes of every individual resident or household.

Having said this, we do offer the following general levels of engagement as an illustration of our approach:

  • Board membership
  • Residents Panel
  • Newsletters
  • Surveys and questionnaires
  • Resident events
  • Neighbourhood walkabouts

Follow this link to find out more

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

In actively promoting residents to engage with us to improve services we recognise that individuals should not be expected to lose out in any way. We will therefore ensure that no personal financial loss is incurred, such as out of pocket expenses.

We will be happy to reimburse:
Help with transport arrangements and costs.
Help with Childcare costs
Help with care costs for dependants.

We also collect feedback from residents through compliments and complaints, service satisfaction returns and routine approaches to our staff.

If you would like to work with us to improve our services, please contact Jo Sandells or Martyn Pearl.