Mystery Shoppers – Ever wanted to secretly check how good our services really are? Mystery shoppers are teams of trained tenants who test our services and provide feedback from their findings so we can continue to provide a quality service.

Satisfaction Surveys – To ask you what you think of your housing service.

Consultation Exercises – To ask your views and opinion regarding potential changes to some form of service delivery.

Neighbourhood Walkabouts – We carry out Neighbourhood Walkabouts in every area once a year. You can come along too – after all, you know the area you live in better than anyone else.

Focus Groups (for policy and strategic reviews) – You will be invited to one-off informal but structured chats with other tenants to give your views on a specific area of service.

Tenants Forums – To discuss housing related issues and share best practice ideas.

Easy Reader – Review documents to make sure they are easy to understand before we send them out to lots of people – you can do this from the comfort of your own home.

Editorial Panel – Write and review articles for our Tenant Newsletter, website and Facebook page.

Youth Voice – Specific consultations and events for tenants and license holders aged 11-15 and 16-25 not just tenants but young people living in our households.

Tenant Board Members – If you can help make key decisions and plan ahead then you could become a Board Member. From time to time, we have vacancies to join our board and we look for people who are willing to use their knowledge and skills to help us run the organisation.

Residents’ Panel (Scrutiny) – The Residents’ Panel is a group of tenants who work as part of a team to provide an independent check of the services we provide. Where necessary, they challenge performance and make recommendations for improvements.

Communities Panel – To help shape the community events and projects we put on for all tenants.

New Homes Panel – To help shape the type of new homes and where we consider our next development to be.