We have changed the way that we operate following the experience of the last two years. This does not affect the way that we deliver services to you. However, if you wish to visit our office at Chapel House, please arrange an interview so that we can be sure that the person you wish to speak to is available. We will not normally be offering walk-in appointments with no prior arrangement.
But there are lots of other ways to communicate with us. Through this website, through social media, by telephone or email and text. Please be assured that we are here to help, support and respond in the best way we can.
We hope you will find our website a source of useful, interesting, and easy to access information. We are always keen to receive feedback so we can continue to improve its profile.
Vectis Housing Association manages just over 400 properties throughout the Isle of Wight. We are a responsive, resident-focused association providing high quality, general needs, homes and service to match.
Our key messages for our colleagues and service users are:
- We are the Isle of Wight’s housing association
- We aim to provide and maintain excellent homes that local households can afford
- We look to support financial and social independence amongst our current and future tenants
- We are community-based
- We are good partners to work with

Phone Outage
We are currently having technical issues with our phones and cannot make or receive calls...
Grounds Maintenance Contract 2024
We are now going out to tender for our Grounds Maintenance Contract 2024. Please click...
Adverse Weather Conditions
In the event of flooding or other weather-related impact on your homes, please contact our...
Branstone Day
We celebrated the nearing completion of the Branstone Farm first phase houses with ingoing residents...
Neighbourhood Housing Officer
Download the job description and person specification here Jobs and Other available roles at VHA...
Online Residents' Panel
We are pleased to announce our next Residents' Panel meeting is taking place on Wednesday...
Muddy Boots Project at Quarr Abbey
We have successfully started taking our small group of residents over to Quarr Abbey every...
RCS on the Isle of Wight
September 2021 The latest news from RCS on the Isle of Wight https://rcsservices.org.uk/our-services/employability/reaching-connecting-and-supporting-employability-programme/ IN THIS...
Neighbourhood Walkabout Schedule
We will be starting our estate Walkabouts again from July, here is the schedule...
Tell us what you want!
With the announcement of lockdown easing, we would love to know what activities you...
New training courses through POA Learning
Iow Monthly Newsletter June 2020Full Course List Iow 1Cpd Course ListLearning Platform Flyer V2
Coronavirus - help and assistance
We know that Covid-19 has not only brought with it fear and uncertainty, it is...
Launch of IoW Positive Minds initiative
NHS Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group recognises that people may be worried or anxious...
World Cafe Event
Vectis Housing Association is very proud to be working alongside Mutual Gain and Hampshire Constabulary...
Cooking on a Budget Workshop
We are pleased to be offering a Cooking on a Budget workshop for our male...
Christmas Wreath Making
On Thursday 12th Deecember, five residents came to our offices to enjoy a Wreath Making...
Festive SingAbout
There is still time to book onto our Festive SingAbout session which is being held...
Wild About Wight Arts Workshops
Wild About Wight Night Lights Art Workshop Night skies, star lights, bright paints and ultra-violets…...
Celebrating Sandown events
See the latest Celebrating Sandown community events. Visit our Community Events webpage
Keats Walk official opening!
VHA are pleased to mark the completion of four new homes at Keats Walk, Bembridge...
Welcome to our new Chair!
Following the standing down of George Hibberd, our long-standing Management Board Chair, we are pleased...
VHA in the news
Following her successful appointment as a full-time member of the Vectis Housing team, the Isle...
Working Class workshops
We currently have a programme of workshops to provide employment support over three days in...
Responsive Repairs Review
Responsive Repairs Review Over the past 12 months we have undertaken a responsive repairs review...
New Gas Servicing Contractor
New Gas Servicing Contractor We have recently completed a tender for our Gas Servicing...
Our Planned Maintenance Programme for 2017 to 2018
Our Planned Maintenance Programme for 2017 to 2018 As a part of our ongoing programme...
Family debt on the IoW highest in the SE
New report from the Childrens' Society indicates that families on the IoW are struggling with...
Start the New Year with better money management
Christmas is always a difficult time to balance what you have coming in with all...
Made of Money - managing your finances
We are working with Southern Housing Group and Spectrum to support residents who are finding...
We are currently trialing the Browsealoud app on our website. This is a very flexible...
Opportunity to join the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Youth Commission
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Youth Commission aims to make young people part of the...
Communities Team are Wild About Wight
VHA's new Communities Team are now settled into their new office at Branstone Farm, pictured...
Green Army goes Wild About Wight
New Vectis project Wild About Wight gets off to a fine but foggy start with...
Picnic at the Paddock
Yesterday Vectis Housing held the first in a series of summer 2016 neighbourhood events at...
Green Army Update - from Bees to Borthwood
The Green Army is a volunteer group for young adults aged 16-25 and part of...
East Cowes Neighbourhood Day
We had a fantastic time yesterday at the East Cowes Neighbourhood Day. Held at the...
Wroxall Neighbourhood Day
Vectis are holding a neighbourhood day for residents of Wroxall and Upper Ventnor. All residents...