We welcome personal visits to the office, but there are also a variety of alternative ways to make contact.
All other correspondence to the Association at:
Chapel House
30 Chapel Street
Isle of Wight
PO30 1PZ
T: 01983 525985 / 520353
F: 01983 529956
E: enquiries@vectishousing.co.uk
Telephone (01983) 520353
This is also the phone number to use for an emergency repair between 5.00 pm and 9.00 am, and at weekends. However, we would emphasise that this should only be used in cases where emergency repairs are necessary.
All Other Enquiries
Telephone (01983) 525985
Fax (01983) 529956
An answerphone service on 525985 operates outside normal office opening hours. The REPAIRS line 520353 operates at all times, but also via answerphone if no officer is immediately available.
Our email address is: enquiries@vectishousing.co.uk
Housing Organisation - Letting
Housing Corporation Registration No: L1005